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Online resources

Our students' studies can be supported through the following online learning platforms. 

English blog by Yamna

Yamna, our English teacher, has put together a Blog filled with resources for the GCSE English Language and Literature curriculum. It includes revision guides for each text, as well as options for some more advanced reading texts for those students who wish to challenge themselves! It is a work in progress and resources are always being updated.

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize is a great place to start when revising topics or learning new material in English Language and Literature, Maths and Science, as well as subjects such as Geography, History, and Art and Design. Students have access to a wealth of resources which are exam-board specific. Students can access videos, quizzes and podcasts relating to the topic they wish to learn or revise.

Seneca Learning

Seneca is an excellent learning and revision tool. Students can login with their Google accounts and work on a range of subjects including: English Language and Literature, Maths and Science, as well as subjects such as Sociology, Psychology, Geography and History.

Tutor learning resources

Despite the name, Physics and Maths Tutor has some really fantastic detailed resources on a wealth of subjects, including: English Literature, Maths, Science, Psychology and Geography.

Maths Genie

Maths Genie is a great place to revise Maths, whatever level you are working at.

My Maths

Northgate students all have My Maths logins and can use the platform to revise. Claudia, the Maths teacher, is also able to helpfully look at their accounts and keep track of what they are working on.

Dr Frost Maths

Another great Maths revision website for all levels of learners.