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Safeguarding and Pupil Behaviour

Please visit our policies page which includes our

Child protection and safeguarding policy 

    Behaviour policy

    Artistic Expression (3)

    At Northgate School every member of staff has extensive training on safeguarding and upholds the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

    Staff receive regular safeguarding updates and the values of keeping children safe are embedded in our school culture and ethos. Staff are familiar with recognising the signs of abuse and have received training on how to report suspected radicalisation through the government Prevent programme.

    Students are supervised at all times at Northgate School and on admission each young person meets with our inclusion team to put in place a specific risk assessment and support plan for them.

    The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Northgate School is Angela Moore (Headteacher).

    Other Designated Safeguarding Leads at Northgate are Althea Chambers (SENCO) and Eileen Langan (Pastoral Support Manager).

    If you suspect a child is in danger of being hurt or abused, call:

    • The Police on 999

    • Barnet MASH on 020 8359 4066 

    • Any member of staff in school, including those identified above.

    • If a child is concerned about online abuse they can contact CEOP https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/

    We have named members of staff who are First Aid trained and have clear procedures which document any injuries or accidents sustained at school.

    Through PSHE and personal development students learn to treat others with respect and bullying is taken seriously.
